Can we see somehting more?


Friday of the 31st Week

All School Mass

Wisdom 13:1-9

Luke 17:26-37

St. Elizabeth of Hungry


Have some objects and ask the students the following questions?


Where is this rosary made? Answer Jerusalem

Where are our songbooks made? Chicago, Illinois

Where is your coat made?

Where is your hat made?


Now tell me what person made the rosary, our songbooks, your coat or your hat?


We know where the things were made, but we do not know the person.


In our first reading, the people would see a beautiful sunrise, a beautiful landscape, a beautiful set of stars in the sky and praise those things as gods. The writer of Wisdom says, “You fail to see the creator of things as the one true God.” These people should have seen these things and given that’s to God for his beauty that he created.  


Today we celebrate St. Elizabeth of Hungry, a woman who looked at the sick, the poor those starving from hunger and she saw the face of God.


As we look at this simple bread and wine may we see more and know the power of this Eucharist.



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