Lay down your burdens

Thursday Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Exodus 3:3-20

Matthew 11:28-30

What makes summer different than the rest of the year? Hopefully, we have more time to rest and to enjoy things! Maybe you have taken a vacation or will be taking a vacation somewhere! Our readings today are about finding rest in our loving God.

In our first reading God’s chosen people are being held by the Egyptians in slavery. God is giving instructions to Moses on how he wants his people freed from their yoke of slavery. God promises he will free his children from the bondage of slavery, and that he will lead Moses and the people through the desert to a land flowing with milk and honey. God is going to give them rest.   

In our Gospel, Jesus says I want to free you from the burdens of life, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.”  The yoke that Jesus is talking about rests gently on our shoulders, and it is a double yoke, with Jesus on one side and we would be on the other.  Jesus wants to give us rest and make our burdens will be light. 

The Eucharist we share is given to us in faith to give us rest, may all our burdens be light today.

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