We does our power come from today?


Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

Jeremiah 7:23-28

Luke 11:14-23  

Other than our beautiful Church, the next great place to have a powerful transformation is our very own bathrooms. Every time we leave a bathroom we are better than when we went in. We brush our teeth at the sink; we wash our hands. We shower or bath to rid ourselves of the dirt and smell from the day before. We leave behind what our bodies naturally tell us we do not need anymore.  

The bathroom in the rectory has this window that faces the east; the window is in the shape of an arch just like our windows. The thing that makes it powerful is the cross that frames the inside of the window. As I am getting cleaned up, I look at the cross, and I am reminded of the true power in my life.  

In our first reading the prophet Jeremiah, he is going to need to rely on the power of God as he has been given a mission of going to the people and preaching about repentance and being told that the people will not listen and he will fail. Jeremiah will need to hang onto the power of God to see him through this time.  

In our Gospel, Jesus heals a man who is unable to speak. No one questions the miracle, but they do question who Jesus is and how he has gotten the power to do this miracle.  

Where will we draw our power from this day to do the things are being asked to do? Will we use the power of Jesus Christ that is given to us right now in this Eucharist?


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