We have gifts to be shared!


Friday Eighth Week of Ordinary Time

I Peter 4: 7-13

Mark 11:11-26


What a historic day this is as is it the last day of school for our eighth graders. Our eighth graders will be celebrating graduation next year.


Eighth graders, what is the best thing about graduation?


What gifts might you receive as you graduate?


Our readings teach us that gifts are nice, but the Christian way of life is about using our gifts to help others.


In our first reading from Peter, he says, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s grace.”


In our Gospel, Jesus sees a fig tree that is not producing any fruit, and he condemns the tree. The tree withers and dies because it did not produce any fruit. Jesus is telling us that we need to use our gifts all the time and not hold back.


As we say good-bye to our eighth graders, what are the gifts that our eighth graders have that they have shared with us? What have they done to help the rest of us come to know Christ?


May we thank our eighth for the gifts they have shared with us?


May we use all of our gifts and talents to help others grow in the Lord?



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